What types of injections are available?
At Spine Technology and Rehabilitation, Dr. Fortin provides multiple types of navigation controlled injections to treat pain.
Image-guided injections he offers include:
Epidural steroid injection –
This is one of the most common procedures for pain caused by disks or from entrapped nerves in the spine. During the procedure, Fortin directly instills a potent corticosteroid into a targeted area of your spine to reduce swelling and inflammation. Epidural steroid injection can offer pain relief as well as improved function for weeks, months, and at times years.
Sacroiliac joint injection -
A sacroiliac joint injection may be recommended if you’re experiencing pain in your lower back, buttocks, or legs. The injection contains an anesthetic and steroid to reduce pain and inflammation.
Nerve block –
Nerve block injections are used to either ease your pain or identify its source. Using guided imagery under fluoroscopy, Dr. Fortin injects medication containing an anesthetic and a steroid into or near the nerves suspected to be causing your pain.

Joint and soft tissue injections –
For joint conditions or soft-tissue injuries, Dr. Fortin offers an injection to ease pain, inflammation, and swelling. These injections are typically done under ultrasound guidance.
Regenerative medicine –
Using the latest technology in regenerative medicine,
Dr. Fortin offers innovative injections, including stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. These injections may be recommended to support healing and provide long-term pain relief.
The above injection procedures provide the added benefit of bolstering the rehabilitation process, while your pain and inflammation have been diminished; ultimately improving your function. Many of them can be repeated as needed.