Anybody can sustain a sports injury, regardless of when they last wore a baseball cap or confronted a linebacker on the football field. Nevertheless, there are a few circumstances that increase your or a loved one’s risk of injury:
You are more prone to sustain an injury as you become older. It’s possible that new injuries will make any old ones worse.
Being Overweight
Your back, knees, hips, and ankles may experience unneeded strain if you carry around extra weight. Sports and exercise increase the load on these areas. You are now at an increased risk for sports injuries. Getting a physical checkup from a doctor before starting sports might be beneficial for children or adults.
Lack of Care
Minor wounds can sometimes turn into serious ones. Stress fractures and tendinitis are two overuse injuries that a specialist might spot early. If they are ignored or not treated, they might develop into a serious injury.
Children and Adolescents
Children are especially prone to sports injuries, with adolescent sports groups representing the next most vulnerable population. Several factors contribute to increased risk amongst children and adolescents. These include: the fact that their bones and muscles are still developing, more participate in multiple high risk sports, a greater weight disparity amongst younger groups of athletes, and a tendency to be unaware of their physical limitations.